Terms of Service

By requesting a commission from me (“I”, “Finbeard”, “the Artist”), you (“Client”, “the Client”) are agreeing to be bound by all Terms outlined in this agreement.

This agreement takes effect when the Client pays a commission invoice.

1. Commissions

A “Commission” is an agreement for illustration services. The Client receives a digital copy of a finished piece of artwork.

All commissions are individually selected, not first-come-first-served.

Unless otherwise stated regarding a specific commission opportunity, visual reference images of the character(s) to be illustrated are always required.

Commission requests including AI-generated reference images will be declined without exception.

Submitting a request form or contacting for a quote does not guarantee acceptance of a commission.

If accepted, the Client will receive a confirmation message and invoice within 72 hours of receipt of a commission request.

Unless otherwise noted or agreed upon, the commission process does not include work in progress updates (WIPs), sketches, or revisions. The Client will receive a digital copy of the finished artwork only.

I reserve the right to disregard any part of The Client’s input in order to create the best possible final artwork.

2. Payment

Payment is due in full up-front for all commissions. The Client has 48 hours to submit payment. Failure to pay in a timely manner will result in cancellation of your commission.

Payment accepted via PayPal Invoices exclusively.

If payment is pending, the transaction must clear fully before work can begin.

Further changes to the Client's commission request or idea cannot be submitted once payment has been received.

2.1 Refunds & Cancellations

I reserve the right to refuse a commission application or cancel an accepted commission, for any reason.

Commissions are non-refundable outside of specific circumstances:

If I elect to stop work or otherwise cancel an in-progress commission, a refund proportional to the level of completion will be issued.

3. Delivery

All commissions are finished and delivered no later than 90 calendar days counting from date payment clears.

Digital copies of finished commissions are delivered to the Client’s email as an uncompressed .png (~4k) and minimally compressed .jpeg (~2k).

4. Usage & Rights

You retain ownership of your character(s) or likeness.

I retain ownership of my artwork, including any sketches, variant versions, etc.

I reserve the right to monetize, display, and use any artwork I have created for any purpose I choose.

Editing or modification of my artwork by the Client or any third party, outside of the uses outlined as Personal Use below, is strictly prohibited.

If you would like a piece of artwork I have made for you updated in some way, please contact to discuss.

4.1 Personal Use

The digital copy of my artwork the Client receives is for Personal Use only. Personal Use includes:

  • Properly credited (a link to www.finbeard.com or tagging me @finbeard on sites I actively use) uploading to the Client's personal gallery profiles or social media.

  • Basic cropping or zooming for icons, headers, etc.

  • Making a personal print for display in the Client’s home.

The Client’s license to Personal Use of their digital copy of artwork received is non-transferrable.

Please contact with questions about Personal Use or to discuss the use of my artwork for a purpose not listed here.

4.2 Commercial Use

Commercial Use of any of my artwork or designs without a Commercial Use Agreement is strictly prohibited.

Commercial Use is any use that could reasonably be deemed for-profit or otherwise "commercial.”

This includes but is not limited to: use as part of a product that will be sold, use to advertise a business, use in conjunction with a monetized YouTube channel (or monetized profile/brand on any similar platform), etc.

If you're interested in Commercial Use of my artwork, please contact me. This will require a licensing fee and will be billed at a different rate.

Inclusion of digital copies of my artwork as part of a “character sale” or similar transaction is considered Commercial Use and is strictly prohibited.

4.3 New Technology

Any use of my artwork in conjunction with machine learning, AI training or generation, blockchain technologies, digital scarcity, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens), or cryptocurrency is strictly prohibited.

5. Finishing Up

The Artist reserves the right to revise these Terms at any time.

This agreement is presented in its entirety. If any part of this agreement is found to be unenforceable, the rest will remain.

Clients with currently active or not yet delivered commissions will be notified of changes to these Terms that would affect their commission.

Thanks for reading!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

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